Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Trials and Tribulations (Thing #5)

I have set aside time today and went to a quiet area to work on my "blog". I have to say it's one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. It's too early to quit, but I'm not getting it!

I was exploring flickr - I wasn't clear on what I was suppose to be looking for. I saw a lot of pictures, that I have no idea how to access. And sites that would allow you to put pics on stamps, it talked about trading cards and posters. None of which I could figure out what it had to do with my blog.

It talked about taking a picture with your phone and downloading - I don't have a cell phone - so I didn't read that too closely.

I did learn what a "tag" was - it's a good day when you learn at least one thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling, I went through the same thing